
Spanish NIE Number | Número de identidad de extranjero | Foreigners Identification Number for Spain

Getting The Spanish NIE Number Online Without Travelling To Spain

Apply for a Spanish identity number for foreigners (Número de identidad de extranjero - NIE):

Please fill in this form completely and email it us or send it by ordinary mail. We will then email you our bank account. After you will have paid the fees of € 200 we will send you the completed application form. Please sign it and return it with three copies of your idendity card or passport and 2 passport sized photographs. After 3 or 4 weeks you will receive your Spanish identity number.

Don't use special signs like "ä, ö, ü, ß, á, ñ etc:", only letters from the English alphabet.

* Obligatory Fields


Your Spanish address:

Please do not fill in:

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Foto Rechtsanwalt Rainer Wiesehahn

Rainer Wiesehahn
Telefon: 01578 / 71 01 382
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